商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:siruitegs.qy6.com MSP430F2617TPMR/CC3100R11MRGC_誉诚(深圳)实业科技有限公司
联系人:朱小姐 女士 (销售)
电 话:0755-29309513
手 机:13560767759




    Signal DescriptionsTable 2-5 describes the signals. With the exception of the JTAG pins, the GPIO function is the default atreset, unless otherwise mentioned. The peripheral signals that are listed under them are alternatefunctions. Some peripheral functions may not be available in all devices. See Table 2-1 for details. Inputsare not 5-V tolerant. All GPIO pins are I/O/Z and have an internal pullup, which can be selectively enabledor disabled on a per-pin basis. This feature only applies to the GPIO pins. The pullups on the PWM pinsare not enabled at reset. The pullups on other GPIO pins are enabled upon reset. The AIO pins do nothave an internal pullup.NOTE: When the on-chip VREG is used, the GPIO19, GPIO34, GPIO35, GPIO36, GPIO37, and GPIO38pins could glitch during power up. If this is unacceptable in an application, 1.8 V could be suppliedexternally. There is no power-sequencing requirement when using an external 1.8-V supply. However, ifthe 3.3-V transistors in the level-shifting output buffers of the I/O pins are powered prior to the 1.9-Vtransistors, it is possible for the output buffers to turn on, causing a glitch to occur on the pin during powerup. To avoid this behavior, power the VDD pins prior to or simultaneously with the VDDIO pins, ensuring thatthe VDD pins have reached 0.7 V before the VDDIO pins reach 0.7

朱小姐 女士 (销售)  
电  话: 0755-29309513
传  真: 0755-29309513
移动电话: 13560767759
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室
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公司主页: http://siruitegs.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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誉诚(深圳)实业科技有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室
朱小姐 女士 (销售) 电话:0755-29309513 传真:0755-29309513
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