Internal voltage reference (VREFINT)The internal voltage reference (VREFINT) provides a stable (bandgap) voltage output for theADC and Comparators. VREFINT is internally connected to the ADC_IN17 input channel. Itenables accurate monitoring of the VDD value (when no external voltage, VREF+, isavailable for ADC). The precise voltage of VREFINT is individually measured for each part byST during production test and stored in the system memory area. It is accessible in read-only mode.Ultra-low-power comparators and reference voltageThe STM32L15xxx embeds two comparators sharing the same current bias and referencevoltage. The reference voltage can be internal or external (coming from an I/O).●one comparator with fixed threshold●one comparator with rail-to-rail inputs, fast or slow mode. The threshold can be one ofthe following:–DAC output–External I/O–Internal reference voltage (VREFINT) or VREFINT submultiple (1/4, 1/2, 3/4 |